What motivates Andrew
Guided by a deep founded belief that we are all equal and valuable and need help in fulfilling our potential, he nurtures a coaching approach to support inclusive spaces where people come together for greater outcomes.
Andrew is passionate about health, energy and intentional action.
Electronic engineering degree (BEng York University)
Systemic Business Coach (IHK)
Business Athlete Coach (BA UK)
Master Health Coach - L2 (Precision Nutrition)
Conversational Intelligence - Advanced Practitioner (Creating WE Institute)
Process Communication Model Coach & Trainer (Kahler Communications)
Systemic Constellations (Sysmacon)
Work Experience
In these industries: Personal Computer & semiconductor, Food Manufacturing & Retail, Professional Services
In these roles: Sales & Marketing, Business Management, Coach
Born in the UK, Andrew has lived in Munich since 1993, is married and has one son as well as two Congo grey parrots, Susi & Peter.
"All my time is free. I choose to fill it with supporting and feeding my family, advancing my coaching skills and business, working on my health & fitness, and optimising household chores and gardening."