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We help companies build the best workplace for parents

"I really like your program / approach. It is modern, pragmatic and effective. And it is something new"


Team Meeting, Companies
parents, mom and dad with child
partners, colleagues at work


We enable companies to build up their own Peer Coaching Program for working parents, using existing resources.


Peer support and coaching ensures parents feel empowered, included, valued.


Our impact is expanding as we partner with individuals who share our values and purpose: to make the world a better place for families.

Clients that trust us


Returning to work as a new mom was so much harder for me than I expected. It took me too long to find my way, and there were so many hard-earned lessons along the way.


There was this moment when I looked around the office and realized that we need to do more to support parents at work. With a little time for reflection and planning, a new perspective, and someone who’s got your back, things could be so much better.

We're on a mission to empower working parents.


Sarah Meier

CEO & Founder

parents@work, our story
Sarah's Story
Celine's Story
Karen's Story
Kelly's Story
Virginia's Story
Andrew's Story
Sandra's Story
Jess's Story
We are experts in not being the experts

We offer both Parents and Organizations the FRAMEWORK to find their own answers, and the courage and confidence to take actions that matter.

Existing Resources

We already see this wonderful existing resource inside organizations:

Employees who bring a wealth of


  • knowledge,

  • experience,

  • desire for meaningful work and purpose

Our Approach

We build on what is already there, upskilling and mobilizing employees for sustainable change.


We blend coaching skills with real human connection.


We create safety and trust for employees to exchange, and learn from each other

Our Peer Coaching Model

parents@work, coaching, connecting
Nicole Wolf, Siemens Switzerland

“I would recommend parents@work to all new working parents, whether you work full-time or part-time, whether you are a man or woman – just take this opportunity!”


parents with child

"Companies have recognized the signs of the times and are investing in sustainable programs that enable both men and woman to reconcile career and family"
Shilling Report

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